Government of Moldova says Crimea referendum is illegal

 The Government of the Republic of Moldova describes the referendum set to take place in the Crimean peninsula on March 16 as illegal, IPN reports. The so-called ‘referendum’ runs counter to the Constitution of Ukraine and international law and represents direct defiance of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, it is said in a statement issued by the Government.

According to the statement, the circumstances in which the plebiscite is organized show that it has nothing to do with a democratic exercise enabling the people to state their view and is not in accordance with the relevant international standards. Moldova does not recognize the referendum and makes common cause with the principal positions of the international players that urge not allowing major violations of international law.

Moldova confirms the firm support for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. The current crisis must be solved exclusively by peaceful ways, by dialogue and international mechanisms that would ensure the necessary transparency and mediation, reads the statement.

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