Ghimpu reiterates accusations against Filat

The Liberal Party (PL) head Mihai Ghimpu has reiterated the accusations made against the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) Vlad Filat. He said that Filat fulfilled the order of Russia, which wants the PL to be removed from governance and pushed into the opposition, IPN reports.

In a news conference on June 4, Mihai Ghimpu said that Vlad Filat in December met in Chisinau with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin, with whom he agreed the plan of removing the PL from power. “Filat is no longer Prime Minister, but he has the leverage needed to subdue Moldova. I ask society to monitor every step of Filat if we want to become part of the EU,” stated Mihai Ghimpu.

He also said that the PL will not shift to the opposition. It will only not support Vlad Filat. But the party will vote for bills that will bring the European values into Moldova and will help the country to integrate into the EU, and for bills aimed at improving the living standards, creating workplaces and increasing salaries. “The fact that the PL is no longer in power is not so bad. It is not at all easy to rule alongside corrupt persons,” said the Liberal leader.

In a communiqué issued by the PLDM in reaction to the Liberal leader’s statements, it is said that Mihai Ghimpu and his supporters excluded themselves from the government by their irresponsible behavior over the last few years. The PL behaved like an opposition party, obstructing thus the achievement of the objectives set by Moldova, including becoming part of the EU.

On May 30, the PLDM, PDM and the group of Liberal MPs headed by Ion Hadarca signed the agreement on the constitution of the Pro-European Coalition. Mihai Ghimpu and another four MPs didn’t take part in the formation of the coalition.

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