The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations has delivered seven electric generators to various social institutions in Anenii Noi and Dubasari districts. The devices will supply several schools with electricity and water, IPN reports.
Rescue teams transported three generators to Cocieri, Dubasari district, where they will ensure the operation of the local water supply system and the "Garofita" Kindergarten-Creche.
Four other devices were delivered to Varnita, Anenii Noi district, to support the functionality of the "Romanita" Kindergarten, Varnita Theoretical High School, the Varnita Village Hall, and the multifunctional community center "Asclepio".
The Commission for Exceptional Situations has approved a series of measures to ensure the continuity and reliability of electricity and gas supply to consumers in several localities within the security zone. These areas, under the control of constitutional authorities, are connected to the energy infrastructure of enterprises on the left bank of the Dniester River.