Gender-sensitive family policies for private sector and government

In Moldova, 9 out of 10 women with children under the age of 3 are unemployed. Gender discriminatory stereotypes and norms prevent women from actively participating in the labour market and in social life, while men are discouraged from involving themselves in parenting. Within a regional project, which also targets Moldova, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), in partnership with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, aims to promote an enabling environment for women’s and men’s sustainable work-life balance.

The project will engage private sector companies and the government in the implementation of family-friendly workplace policies and practices. The establishment of flexible work and health programs for employees are encouraged. This involves medical leave, care leave for sick or disabled family members and the establishment of nursing spaces or rest rooms for children within the companies.

Ludmila Andronic, communication expert and moderator of the project launch event, said that the project aims to change the current situation for the better and to change population mentality. "Namely, it will promote the gradual change for the better of thousands of women and men and it will ensure equality and fairness".

Nigina Abaszada, UNFPA Moldova Resident Representative, said that this project takes into account the imperative needs of Moldovan society in terms of supporting families, especially women, so that they can balance their professional and personal lives and to be able to fulfill their career and family aspirations.

"Family policies are part of social policies. Family policies are a new generation of social policies. For UNFPA, the power of choice is essential in family policy debates because the privilege of being able to make choices should be equally available to both men and women", said Nigina Abaszada.

Family-friendly policies adopted by governments and the business community in some countries have led to an increase in women employment, to a more active participation of men in domestic and childcare tasks and to other benefits.

The implementation of the "Expanding Choices: Gender-Responsive Family Policies for the Private Sector in the Western Balkans and Moldova" project is scheduled for 2020-2022.

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