The authorities go on exerting pressure on Gabriel Stati, says his lawyer, Vladislav Gribincea. He told a news conference Wednesday that the administration of Penitentiary 13, in which Gabriel Stati and Aurel Marinescu, Stati Holding's deputy manager, are held in custody, performs numerous checks in their cells, and moved Stati to another cell where foreign citizens are held, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Gabriel Stati stood against his movement to another cell later on May 26, considering his safety was threatened, the lawyer said. According to the barrister, Gabriel Stati was menaced he would be forcefully transferred to a cell in the basement and in the dungeon for disobedience. Vladislav Gribincea says he submitted a complaint, but does not rule out Stati would already be in another cell.
The lawyer says Gabriel Stati has never been interrogated while in the custody, “what's not normal.” In addition, the prosecutors bring no evidence. That means there is no evidence, Vladislav Gribincea says.
When asked by Info-Prim Neo, the press service of the Penitentiary Department has commented the accusation of exerting pressure brought about by Stati's barrister are groundless. “Since Stati has been in the custody of Penitentiary 13, he has never been subjected to pressure, intimidation or ill-treatment on the part of the administration or other detainees,” said Ana Racu, the press officer. The attempt to move Stati to another cell, Ana Racu says, was done in the wake of the repair works currently under way in many cells. It's an ordinary situation when the detainees are moved to other cells within the same institution,” she said.
Gabriel Stati and Aurel Marinescu are accused of usurping the state power and organizing mass disorders. Both plead not guilty. They were arrested on April 8 and may be released by mid June.