Former policeman from Leova convicted of kidnaping and abusing concubine

A former employee of the Leova Police Inspectorate was sentenced to four years in prison, two of which with execution, for domestic violence and the kidnapping of his concubine. The sentence was pronounced by the Leova Court attached to the Hîncești Court, and the defendant admitted his guilt both during the criminal investigation and before the court, IPN reports.

According to the investigation, between June 2024 and January 2025, the man behaved aggressively towards his concubine, resorting to verbal and physical violence. He also used the threat of suicide to coerce her to stay in the relationship.

On the morning of January 20, while on leave, the man went to his concubine's workplace, forced her into his car and took her to his home. There, he locked her in a shed, tying her to a pipe with handcuffs. After about half an hour, he moved her into the house, immobilizing her hands and threatening her that they would die together. To support his threats, he opened the stove and let the gas accumulate in the room.

According to specialists' conclusions, the woman suffered emotional stress and severe depression.

After the case reached the court, the defendant was arrested and placed in pre-trial detention until the sentence was pronounced. The court gave him a total sentence of four years in prison, of which two years will be served in a semi-closed penitentiary, and the other two years will be suspended for a period of three years.

The sentence can be appealed to the Centru Court of Appeals.

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