Former MP suggests convening the Security Council to save the Oil Industry

President Maia Sandu is being urged to convene a Security Council meeting to address the "destruction of the vegetable oil production sector." The suggestion comes from former MP Alexandru Slusari, who currently represents civil society at the company Energocom, IPN reports.

In a Facebook post, Alexandru Slusari points out that all supermarkets are filled with Ukrainian oil, and even if some bottles have labels in Romanian, they still contain oil from Ukraine, merely packaged in Moldova.

Slusari claims that Trans Oil, along with other traders, is massively exporting sunflower seeds from the country, leaving factories without raw materials. Meanwhile, the local factories owned by Trans Oil are in technical downtime, leading to many skilled workers leaving.

Slusari believes the Security Council should be convened. "Threats to food security, the destruction of local industry, and rising unemployment/migration are no less dangerous than external attacks and hybrid warfare," he writes on Facebook.

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