Former Moldovan minister elected chair of Romanian parliamentary committee

Valeriu Munteanu, environment minister of the Republic of Moldova from 2015-2017, has been appointed chairman of the Joint Committee (Senate and Chamber of Deputies) for European Integration between the Romanian and Moldovan Parliaments. Munteanu, who was elected deputy in Romania in the fall, says that this is not just a position, but "a mission of the soul, a firm commitment to the European future of Romanian Bessarabia," IPN reports.

"I will devote myself with all my abnegation and determination so that the Republic of Moldova may continue its irreversible path towards the European Union, with the highest ideal in my mind and in my heart: national reunification, the union of Bessarabia with Romania forever," Valeriu Munteanu said.

The Joint Committee on European Integration between the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Romanian Parliament was set up in 2010. It is composed of ten members each from the legislatures in Chisinau and Bucharest. According to the rules of the CCIE, the Commission meets twice a year, alternately in Moldova and Romania.

Valeriu Munteanu was born in the village of Floreni, Anenii Noi district, where he was also mayor. After the early parliamentary elections in July 2009, he became a member of the Liberal Party and held his mandate until 2015. On July 30, 2015, he was appointed Minister of Environment and on May 29, 2017, he resigned.

Valeriu Munteanu became a deputy in the Romanian parliamentary elections held on December 1, 2024, running on the lists of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians party.

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