First helicopter of Air Ambulance Service presented in Chisinau

The people in a serious condition involved in road or other kinds of accidents will be transported to the Chisinau Emergency Hospital by a sanitary helicopter. The plane was presented at the airport in the capital city on April 8, IPN reports.

The 20-year-old helicopter was provided by the company “Moldaeroservice”. About 300,000 lei was allocated from the state budget for its repair. The helicopter will stay on the territory of the Chisinau Airport.

In a communiqué, the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure said that landing pads for the sanitary helicopter exist in all the districts of the country. “We are cooperating with the local public authorities in certifying all the pads so that the aircraft lands safely. Next month, we will launch a similar helicopter, which will be used by the Ministry of Health. Seven helicopters will be repaired and reequipped in all. Two of them will be used by the Aviasan service,” said Minister of Transport Vasile Botnari.

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