Financial situation of the Banking Sector in 2024: profit reached nearly 4 billion lei

The financial situation of the banking sector, based on data presented by banks at the end of last year, is characterized by an increase in assets, loans, equity, individual deposits, and corporate deposits. However, the sector's profit decreased compared to the same period of the previous year, IPN reports.

According to the National Bank of Moldova, as of December 31, the banking sector's profit amounted to 3,973.6 million lei, decreasing by 116.5 million lei (2.8%) compared to the same period of the previous year.

At the end of 2024, total assets reached 170,175.0 million lei, marking a 10.6% increase from the previous year. Meanwhile, the absolute value of non-performing loans and overdue loans declined, leading to an improvement in portfolio quality indicators compared to the end of the previous year.

The gross (prudential) loan balance accounted for 47.5% of total assets, or 80,824.6 million lei, increasing by 26.5% (16,929.1 million lei) during the analyzed period.

Total revenues amounted to 15,197.1 million lei, decreasing by 1,606.3 million lei (9.6%) compared to the same period of the previous year. Of this, interest income accounted for 58.6% (8,911.8 million lei), while non-interest income made up 41.4% (6,285.3 million lei).

As of December 31, 2024, 11 banks licensed by the National Bank of Moldova were operating in the country.

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