The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) completed the process of including the data collected through over 4 million questionnaires during the population and housing census taken in 2014 in the database. The Bureau’s director general Vitalie Valcov told a news conference that the basic indicators will be determined at the next stage and the final information will be presented at the end of next March, IPN reports.
The final data will be disseminated in the form of informative notes with statistical analysis, including by comparing the data with those of the census of 2004. The published tables will cover most of the indicators collected nationwide and at the level of territorial administrative units.
Vitalie Valcov also said that the National Bureau of Statistics in 2017 will start to prepare for a new population and housing census that will be taken in 2021.
“It is recommended taking population and housing censuses close to the digit zero. For better comparability, this census should be taken in all the countries in 2019-2021. We chose 2021 because, on the one hand, we were late in processing the data of the population and housing census taken in 2014. On the other hand, we want to keep pace with the European Union,” stated the director general of the NBS.
The general agricultural census is another important event for the national statistics. The first such census was taken in the Republic of Moldova in 2011, while the next will be taken in 2022. Vitalie Valcov said two major censuses, like the population and agricultural ones, cannot be taken the same year owing to the very large volume of collected information. But the consecutive organization of the censuses will enable to use the same technologies and software.
According to officials of the NBS, the next censuses will be taken based on new technology that will enable census takers to include the collected data directly through tablet PCs. These will be thus added to the database automatically and will be processed swiftly.