Farm owners can obtain grants of at most US$1 million. The AGGRI project launched the first call for applications. A grant can be of not more than US$1 million, provided that the amount does not exceed 50% of the eligible investment, IPN reports.
In order to benefit from financial resources, producers must be registered and operate in the territory controlled by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova, except for Chisinau and Balti municipalities. Applicants must be legal holders of the farms and must have rented or used them for a period of at least five years.
The existence of a business plan with viable long-term economic and financial prospects is another important aspect. Applicants must assume financial responsibility, contributing a minimum of 50% of the value of the investment subproject.
The files should be submitted to the territorial offices of the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture by May 17, 2024.