European Researchers’ Night to be staged in Chisinau and Bălți

Children, students and all those interested in science are invited to take part in the European Researchers’ Night  that will take place in Chisinau, in the park of the Moldova Technical University, and in Bălți, in the square of the Alecu Russo State University, on September 30. The visitors will be able to see practical experiments, exhibitions, workshops and architectural exercises, IPN reports.

Valentina Prițcan, pro-rector of the Alecu Russo State University, told a news conference that the goal of the project is to present scientific discoveries, results of research activity in a manner accessible to the general public. “It is an extraordinary event by which we can promote young researchers, famous researches. We can organize events by which to show how diverse science can be and what impact it can have on life,” stated the pro-rector.

The program will start at 4am and will end at 10pm both in Chisinau and in Bălți. It will include an Eco Fashion Show, a contest exhibition entitled “Creation Opens Universe”, interactive activities for children, the Open Doors Night at the Planetarium in Chisinau and at the research laboratories in Bălți and also a concert by singer Pasha Parfeni.

On the occasion of the European Researchers’ Night, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova will host a public lecture by academician Valeriu Tabără, president of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești”, on September 30, staring at 2pm. The scientist will speak about the development of sustainable agriculture.

In the Republic of Moldova, the European Researchers’ Night is at its ninth edition. In 2021, the event staged in over 400 European cities attracted over 2.3 million visitors.

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