European Parliament opens liaison office in Chisinau

The European Parliament approved the establishment of a new liaison office in Moldova, IPN reports, with reference to

In a post on Facebook, Romanian MEP Siegfried Muresan wrote that through the office in Chisinau, the European legislature will better assist the Moldovan authorities to accelerate European integration.

"At the same time, the office of the European Parliament in Chisinau will be able to communicate to the people of Moldova the benefits of European integration and all the measures we are taking at European level to support the Republic of Moldova and its citizens," noted Siegfried Mureșan.

According to the MEP, this will better combat the Russian Federation's attempts to manipulate and misinform the citizens of the Republic of Moldova about the European Union.

Moldova’s Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu welcomed the decision. "The office will help us to improve the legislative process, but also to inform the people from all over the country about the benefits of being part of the big European family," said Igor Grosu.

The office will serve the entire Eastern Partnership region, which confirms Moldova's leading role in the region. A similar office will also be opened in Albania.

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