An Environmental Agreement was issued for a new road bridge over the Prut, in Albița – Leușeni, in place of the existing one. This is the second road bridge to be built over the Prut River, after the one in Ungheni, announced Irinel Scrioșteanu, secretary of state of the Ministry of Transport of Romania, IPN reports.
"The bridge over the Prut from Albița (RO) to Leușeni (MD) will contribute to the improvement of road traffic between the Republic of Moldova and Romania and will also be a connection point between the future Tișița-Albița Expressway and the four-lane road that will ensure access to the customs post on the territory of the Republic of Moldova," said Scrioșteanu.
The works involve the demolition of the old bridge and the reconstruction of a new bridge. This will have two lanes of traffic in each direction, 161 meters in total length, of which the superstructure will be 150 meters long, a complex of 2 parallel bridges, and sidewalks in both directions.
The border crossing point and 8 km of access road on the Moldovan side, with two lanes in each direction of travel to Chisinau, are to be modernized and equipped.