Electricity consumption in the Republic of Moldova for January 6 was fully covered, with no energy deficits recorded. The share of imported electricity from Romania rose to 55.83%. Authorities estimate a 17% decrease in consumption for today due to the public holiday and reduced activity of some companies, IPN reports.
According to the Government's Crisis Cell, the energy sources used to meet January 6 consumption include:
Authorities assure that today's energy needs will be fully met without resorting to emergency contracts.
"The available commercial capacity for imports from Romania via the ENTSO-E network was sufficient to cover the forecasted demand. An additional allocation of 400 MW for January 7 contributed to strengthening energy security", stated a press release.
For the left bank of the Dniester, according to the Government's Crisis Cell, consumption will be covered by MGRES, which is operating on alternative fuel—coal. Due to high consumption levels, rolling blackouts in the region continue.
Starting January 7, scheduled power outages have doubled, occurring twice daily for four hours each time. The revised schedule addresses the imbalance between energy consumption and production. The new power supply regime adjusts energy use to generator capacity and reduces the risk of network failures caused by frequent equipment usage. As a result, some residents will be without electricity between 8:00–12:00 and 16:00–20:00, while others will experience outages between 16:00–20:00 and 20:00–00:00.
The outages also affect the villages of Copanca and Varnita. According to the January 6 decision by the Emergency Situations Commission (CSE), Varnita (Anenii Noi district) and Copanca (Causeni district), currently connected to the left bank's power grid, will be reconnected to the distribution networks of ICS Premier Energy Distribution SA. This measure ensures continuity and reliability in gas and electricity supply to consumers. Additionally, per the CSE's decision, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations delivered seven generators to support various social facilities in Dubăsari and Anenii Noi districts.
Authorities urge citizens to use electricity efficiently, particularly during peak hours. Individuals affected by possible outages are encouraged to contact local providers for prompt resolution.