The opposition parties with seats in parliament – the Liberal Party (PL), the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), and the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) – have formed a Council for Political Dialog and Cooperation in an attempt to send a signal of political solidarity. The announcement was made on Monday at a news conference, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“In the light of the upcoming early parliamentary elections and with a view to initiating a civilized dialog between the opposition and the government, between the civil society, and in order to send a clear message of political solidarity, we, the Liberal Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, and the Moldova Noastra Alliance, expressing our allegiance to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and to its constitutional regime, have decided the foundation of the Council for Political Dialog and Cooperation”, the AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu read from a joint statement of the parties.
According to Urecheanu, the initiative is “a political partnership agreement in the name of the future of the Republic of Moldova”.
PLDM leader Vlad Filat said this political council has three 'very clear' goals: “We need to coordinate our actions in this election campaign, to mobilize our forces, and to conduct a strict monitoring to ensure that these parliamentary elections are free and fair”, explained Filat.
“The civilized dialog between the government and the opposition doesn't mean we'll remain in opposition”, said PL president Mihai Ghimpu, adding that he hoped the three parties would come to power after the July 29 polls.
At the same time, the three leaders admitted that by founding this council they took the risk of being regarded by their voters as a single political entity. “We remain electoral rivals, but we'll act together”, said Ghimpu.
They also said other opposition parties were welcome to join the council, on certain conditions. “We wish that a democratic force would come to power in Moldova, but if they come to us just to make some maneuvers in order to help the communists remain in power, they are certainly not welcome”, declared Ghimpu.
“We agreed from the beginning that the document would be open for signature only to the parliamentary parties. It would be welcome if other parties embracing the democratic values offered their contribution, but that contribution must be proportional to their possibilities and to the confidence they enjoy in the society”, said Vlad Filat.
The Council for Political Dialog and Cooperation consists of 9 persons, three from each party. During the campaign, the council will hold permanent meetings to discuss the joint actions.