Economic courts disappear, but strengthen ruling alliance meanwhile

The bill to liquidate the economic courts of law was unanimously adopted by the legislative body in first reading on July 5. The Liberal-Democrat lawmakers, who repeatedly promoted the bill, said the sitting was emblematic as the bill was passed in a friendly manner. “It is a reason to think that we finally witness a new approach on the part of our colleagues from the alliance. The ending of the impasse in implementing reforms gives hope that Moldova will move towards the wanted future. We welcome the attitude of our colleagues and hope that it is a good start. The Liberal Democratic Party will continue to be insistent on promoting very important bills for society,” said the head of the Liberal-Democrat parliamentary group Valeriu Strelet. Liberal-Democrat MP Tudor Deliu said the bill was to be passed long ago because it is a priority of the government program on the reform of justice. “These courts inherited from the Soviet period did nothing but separate the people from the judicial system. This bill is a first step towards implementing the reform of the legal system,” he stated. Unaffiliated MP Mihai Godea said the adoption of the bill is a clear signal that reforms started to be implemented in the legal system. “The liquidation of these courts will not resolve many problems, but after long and interminable discussions reforms should be initiated,” he stated. The Liberal Party head Mihai Gimpu said the liquidation of the economic courts will not lead to the elimination of corruption. “Not the institutions are corrupt, but the people who work there. I suggest thoroughly examining the judges before appointing them because the situation does not change if we move them from a chair to another,” said Mihai Ghimpu. Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim said the bill is designed to improve and strengthen the judicial system. The judges who worked for economic courts will be transferred to ordinary courts of law, while the judges of the Economic Court of Appeals will be moved to national appeals courts. “The transfer will be made exclusively at the suggestion of the Supreme Council of Magistrates. If the judges do not accept the proposal, they will be able to resign honorably,” said the minister. According to him, the judges will be transferred during six months. The buildings of the liquidated courts will be managed by the Civil Board of the Court of Appeals. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will finance economics training courses for judges.

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