ECO-BUS WEEKLY DIGEST November 27 – December 3. Most important Economy & Business news by IPN

● MONDAY, November 27

Blackouts in nearly 200 localities on Sunday evening
xssgtof0fjk2qqqqqqq2fddddddddddddddddtyrikAlmost 200 localities experienced power outages on Sunday evening. Over 123,000 consumers remained fully or partially disconnected from the power supply as the snowstorms seriously damaged power networks in central and southern Moldova.

Fiscal novelties related to VAT

The national goods that are exported by using postal services and are reintroduced within three months of the date of export in the same state will be exempted from VAT without the right to deduct. If the VAT for this merchandise was refunded on export, the taxpayer will be obliged to calculate and declare the VAT for the month the goods were reintroduced. The new provisions took effect several days ago.

National exhibition “Made in Moldova” will have a new concept

The 21st exhibition “Made in Moldova” will have a new logo – Moldova’s map surrounded by a circle that signifies the unity and mobility of entrepreneurs, the authorities and consumers for developing the national economy. The exhibition will take place at Moldexpo Center during January 31 – February 4. Romanian companies that invested in Moldova are also invited.

● TUESDAY, November 28

Igor Grosu about farmers’ protests: They have right to protest

Each citizen has the right to protest, but this should be done in accordance with the legal framework, said Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, referring to the protests mounted by farmers in central Chisinau. According to him, there is place for a dialogue between the protesters and the authorities and both of the sides should show understanding. A working group is being constituted to help the farmers who reached an impasse to avoid insolvency.

Farmers to return to Chisinau on Thursday to hear what authorities decided

The farmers that have brought their tractors to Chisinau in protest will return to the Great National Assembly Square on Thursday to hear what the authorities’ decision will be on solutions discussed today, including a moratorium on penalties and forfeitures for farmers struggling to repay their loans.

● WEDNESDAY, November 29

NBM celebrates 30th anniversary of putting of Moldovan leu into circulation

The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) celebrates the National Currency Day on November 29. The Moldovan leu was put into circulation in the Republic of Moldova 30 years ago. In his congratulatory message, NBM Governor Octavian Armașu noted that the introduction of the national currency was the first step towards a market economy, initial economic reforms and the primary expression of an independent monetary policy.

Capacity limit for electricity trade from Continental Europe to Ukraine and Moldova increased

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity ENTSO-E decided to increase the capacity limit for electricity trade from Continental Europe to Ukraine and Moldova to 1,700 megawatts, based on system security and stability simulations, reflecting an increase of 500 MW from the previous limit. The decision was taken following the completion of synchronization of the energy systems of the two countries.

Details about ceiling on parcels sent by person to person

The Ministry of Finance said the bill it proposed for consultations doesn’t refer to postal parcels. It modifies the cap on unaccompanied baggage (parcel) sent by a private individual to another private individual. According to the institution, the fiscal regime applying to postal parcels delivered through electronic trading platforms remains unchanged and the parcels whose value does not exceed €150 will be exempted from import duties as from January 1, 2024.

Exemption from customs duties when importing raw material that is not available on domestic market

The raw material used in the production process, which is not available on the domestic market and cannot be imported through free trade agreements, will be exempted from customs duties. A draft decision to this effect was approved by the Cabinet on the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization.

● THURSDAY, November 30

Octavian Armașu: Moldova has strengthened its independence through national currency

“The Republic of Moldova has strengthened its independence together with the introduction of the national currency as the symbol of a new start. The Moldovan leu facilitated trade and the development of the financial market, integrated us into the global economy and allowed implementing a monetary and fiscal state policy that is vital for the stability of prices, for financial stability and economic growth. As the National Bank of Moldova could maintain its independence, Moldova today has a financial system that can resist crises, Octavian Armașu, the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM), stated in an official event held to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the Moldovan leu.

Vladimir Bolea: Measures should be targeted so that other farmers are not affected

The measures identified to overcome the problems faced by the protesting farmers should be targeted and should not affect the work of the other farmers, said Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vladimir Bolea. According to him, the authorities discuss with representatives of banks and the nonbank financial sector so as to prevent the bankruptcy of the farmers who either failed to obtain a crop owing to the drought or are confronted with small selling prices of agricultural products.

NBM puts new commemorative coins into circulation

The National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation five commemorative coins as a means of payment and for numismatic purposes. The “Personalities” series is supplemented by two commemorative coins, while the “Others” series – by three coins.

Moldova can be supplied with gas through Trans-Balkan pipeline reverse flows

Moldova has chances to be involved in the supply of natural gas in Central and Southeastern Europe if the project to reverse gas flows through the Trans-Balkan pipeline, which would allow gas to be pumped from the Balkans to Central and Eastern European countries through Ukraine, is implemented.

50 companies present offers at Job Fair

Over 2,000 vacancies were presented by 50 companies at the Job Fair staged at the Palace of the Republic. The job vacancies are available in the public food, sales, banking and finance, accounting, IT, real estate, the public and other sectors.

LPAs will use power distribution system for public lighting gratis

The local public authorities will freely use the infrastructure of the power distribution system for installing public lighting systems. A legislative proposal to amend the law on electrical energy was given a first reading by the MPs.

Authorities do not accept moratorium requested by farmers

The moratorium on the calculation of penalties by banks and the forced execution proposed by the association “Force of Farmers” cannot be imposed as the Republic of Moldova has legislation based on which the authorities can institute a form of support, said Deputy Prime Mincer Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry. After the press briefing given by the minister, the farmers who are in the central square of Chisinau with their tractors had honked continuously.

Economic integration into EU: Opportunities and necessary conditions for attracting international brands

Since 2014, bilateral relations between Moldova and the European Union are based on the Association Agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement. On June 23, 2022, the European Council granted Moldova the status of a candidate country, thus opening a new strategic chapter in the economic development of the state. However, Moldova is still not the most favorable environment for attracting foreign investors. The absence of international brands limits consumers’ options, stymying the country’s economic development. Attracting foreign investors to Moldova and the country’s economic integration into the EU were discussed at an event organized by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.

National Bank holds Career Week

The National Bank of Moldova is holding a Career Week during December 4-8. Topics related to careers and opportunities in central banking will be covered. The event will include activities carried out both at the NBM headquarters and at relevant universities throughout the country. Through these actions, the National Bank aims to bring the financial-banking field closer to the public who wants a career at the central bank.

● FRIDAY, December 1

Investment Agency official: We should bring labor force from outside

The problem of workforce is pressing and is invoked by most of the investors that want to start businesses in Moldova, said the deputy director general of the Investment Agency Ion Iordachi. According to him, the authorities intend to have discussions with the Uzbek side on the liberalization of the labor market for students from Uzbekistan.

Dorin Recean: 2024 budget can be called “Investing in children”

The Cabinet on Friday approved the state budget for next year. According to Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the budget for 2024 can be called “Investing in children” as the largest part of the money is designed for the future of the children, who will build Moldova tomorrow through access to modern and high-quality education, for a united and prosperous society.

2024 budget deficit projected at 4.6% of GDP

The draft 2024 National Budget Law provides for a 4.4% increase in revenues to 107.17 billion lei. Expenses will amount to 122.96 billion lei, or 1.5% higher than this year. The resulting deficit is estimated to be 15.79 billion lei, or 4.6% of GDP. The Cabinet today approved this version of the draft 2024 National Budget Law.

● SATURDAY, December 2

Russia imposes ban on Moldovan fruit and vegetables. NFSA says decision is unfounded

The Russian Federation imposes a new ban on the import of fruit and vegetables from the Republic of Moldova as from December 4. After Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) made the announcement, the National Food Safety Agency (NFSA) of Moldova said the decision is unfounded and will affect the national producers. The Agency noted the Russian ban doesn’t bear any relation to the quality of the Moldovan products.

Design competition for symbol of Moldovan leu

The National Bank of Moldova has announced a design competition for the symbol of the Moldovan leu on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the national currency. The contest is open to students and professionals in graphic design and encourages creative representation of the currency.

EU transfers €70 million for on-bill compensation to Moldova

The European Union has transferred to the Republic of Moldova €70 million in non-reimbursable budget support intended for the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund, IPN reports, with reference to the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova.

Low-cost company of Lufthansa group to operate flights from Chisinau to Stuttgart and Cologne

Eurowings, the low-cost company of Lufthansa group, will provide flights from Chisinau to Germany’s Stuttgart and Cologne. The first flights will be operated as from May 1, 2024.



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