● MONDAY, February 26
“First House” program will enable young people to live and work in Moldova, MP
The program “First House” initiated by the government will enable the young people to live and work in the country, Democratic MP Corneliu Padnevici stated in the program “Reply” on Prime TV channel. According to him, if some of the young people do not have salaries to purchase a house through this program, they could be financially helped by the parents who can confirm the revenues for banks. Secretary of state at the Ministry of Finance Iurie Cicibaba said the fact that the home can be bought with the first installment of only 10% of the price is the biggest advantage of this program. The program is designed to help families to purchase the first home in more advantageous lending conditions than those existing on the market. The state guarantees 50% of the raised loan. The 2018 state budget includes a guarantee fund of 50 million lei.
Six tonnes of meat seized from two companies operating in Criuleni
The inspections at meat processing companies go on. Over 3,000 kilograms of meat confiscated from a company based in Anenii Noi town and another one operating in Nicoreni village of Drochia district following the irregularities identified there were destroyed last week. Now the inspectors found nonconformities at two companies based in Criuleni district. They sized over 6 tonnes of meat and these will be destroyed. At the two companies operating in Criuleni, the inspectors of the National Food Safety Agency found goods without the expiration date indicated on them, meat with the expired use-by date and eggs without documents of origin and sanitary-veterinary certificates. The confiscated goods were estimated at 470,000 lei. The companies also face fines of 6,000 to 9,000 lei.
● WEDNESDAY, February 28
Romania’s investment position on Moldovan market will be strengthened
The Association of Romanian Investors in the Republic of Moldova was launched officially. The inaugural ceremony was held in connection with the visit paid by the Prime Minister of Romania Viorica Dancila to Chisinau. The Association was founded on January 24, 2018 by 14 companies with Romanian capital that operate in Moldova in the production, building, banking, pharmaceutical, energy and other sectors. Romania’s Ambassador in Chisinau Daniel Ionita said Romanian companies’ investments in the Republic of Moldova total €76 million, while their turnover for last year was €186 million.
Central bank puts metal coins with face value of 1, 2, 5 and 10 lei into circulation
As of February 28, 2018, the National Bank of Moldova puts into circulation a new series of metal coins with a face value of 1, 2, 5 and 10 lei, which will be circulating in parallel with the existing banknotes of the same face value until the stores are used up. The announcement was made in a ceremony held to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the putting of the Moldovan leu into circulation. The coins of 1 and 2 lei are made from nickel-plated steel and have a silver tint. Those of 5 and 10 lei are made from steel, coated with nickel and copper, which gives them a bimetallic appearance: a silvery center surrounded by a golden-color ring for the 5-lei coin and respectively, a golden-color center surrounded by a silvery ring for the 10-lei coin. Each coin has a different weight, diameter and thickness. The edge of the 10-lei coin is etched with the repeating word MOLDOVA, preceded and followed by a star. On the reverse side, at the top, the coins bear a monogram of the capital letters “R” and “M” – the acronym of the country’s name - Republic of Moldova. The monogram is engraved using a holographic technique. The letters “R” and “M” become visible alternately when the coin is rotating to left or right. The micro-etchings with the “NBM” legend are applied on the digits’ surface.
Parliamentary commission holds hearings on dairy products containing vegetable fats
The National Food Safety Agency withdrew about 3.5 tonnes of nonconforming dairy products from the market. Some 2.7 tonnes of these products were made in Moldova. The information was presented in parliamentary hearings held on February 28. The Agency took and examined 203 samples of dairy products. It was established that violations are mainly committed by the same producers. These prefer to pay fines of 15,000 lei than to meet the imposed quality standards. The National Food Safety Agency placed restrictions on the withdrawn products and these can no longer be sold. A study initiated by East Europe Foundation and conducted in the labs of the Center of Applied Metrology and Certification showed that the milk fats in many of the dairy products sold in Moldova, such as butter, sour cream, cheese and pressed cheese, are substituted with vegetable and other kinds of fats. There were analyzed 126 samples of national and imported dairy products.
Cabinet decides who will collect indexed Sberbank deposits
The depositors born before 1991 inclusive will be able to this year receive the sums deposited in the former Sberbank (Savings Bank) that were indexed at the first indexation stage. The depositors born before 1941 will be paid the sums indexed at the second indexation stage. The age categories were approved by the Cabinet on February 28. At the first indexation stage, the depositors get 1 leu per 1 ruble for the first 1,000 rubles of the amounts deposited at ex-Sberbank, according to the situation in January 1992. The other part of the sum is indexed according to the ratio of 1 leu : 2.5 rubles. The indexed amounts can be collected at the branches of Moldova’s Post Office.
Chisinau – Basarabeasca train to run again from March 2
The Chisinau – Basarabeasca train route will become available again as of March 2, 2018. The train will run on Fridays. It will set off from the Chisinau Railway Terminal at 6:55pm and will arrive in Basarabeasca at 2:02am. The administration of Moldova’s Railways said the train will have a stop at the Zloti station too so as to facilitate the tourists’ access to the local monastery. The ticket for a trip from Chisinau to Basarabeasca costs 26 lei for grownups and 13 lei for children younger than 10. The Chisinau – Basarabeasca train route was cancelled last August owing to the low number of passengers.
New rules for business entities that bring electrical equipment into Moldova
The Cabinet approved regulations concerning the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment. According to the authors, the document forms part of the measures taken to reduce the impact of the improper management of noxious waste on the environment and the population. The regulations envision the creation of a national register that will contain the list of producers of electrical and electronic equipment, the quantity of equipment brought into the country and information about the collection, reuse and recycling of such equipment. The collection, transportation and non-polluting elimination of waste from the given category will be financed by business entities that bring such products into the country.
● THURSDAY, March 1
New rules concerning offers in shops
The advertisements for offers in shops will include the selling price or the price reduction in percentage, the length of the offer and number of available items sold at a discount. The distribution or posting of generalized advertisements promoting “reductions of down to” in percentage could be banned. The Liberal MPs proposed a bill that defines the regulations concerning the sale of products and provision of services at prices that are lower than usual. The Liberals propose that the advertised products and services sold at a discount should be on sale throughout the announced period, except for the case when the advertisement say the offer is valid until the stores are used up, by indicating the number of available goods. Any announcement or another form of advertising promoting “full reductions” or containing similar formulations will be disseminated only when the reduction in the normal price is applied to all the goods on sale, by indicating the exact reduction in percentage.
Parliament ratifies lending agreements with IDA and IBRD
The governmental public services will be modernized and digitized. In this regard, Parliament on March 1 ratified the agreements to take out two loans, one of US$15 million from the International Development Association (IDA) and another one of US$5 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The project will contribute to merging a number of existing services and will ensure access to public services at the local level through digital channels. At the same time, there will be reduced the number of necessary documents and the length of providing public services. The project is to be implemented until June 2023 through the Electronic Governance Center. The two agreements were signed on November 28 last year.
Convention for avoidance of double taxation with Georgia ratified
Parliament ratified the Convention between the Government of Moldova and the Government of Georgia for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion with respect to taxes on income. The document was signed in Tbilisi on November 29, 2017. The initiative to sign the convention was put forward by the Georgian authorities. The document consists of 28 articles and an additional protocol that is an integral part of this. The convention takes effect on the date the last notification of the fulfillment of the necessary internal procedures is received. Currently, the Republic of Moldova applies conventions and agreements for the avoidance of double taxation with 48 partner states.
60% of entrepreneurs consider problems are most simply solved unofficially
The Republic of Moldova saw positive developments in its business sector. Since 2013 until now, the position in the World Bank rankings Doing Business has improved twice. The number of inspection bodies and of permissive documents needed to start a business was reduced and the reporting burden on enterprises decreased. However, 60% of the businessmen still believe that the unofficial ways are the swiftest and safest methods of solving business problems. These are the results of a study conducted by experts of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul” Ion Tabirta and Veaceslav Ionita. According to the authors, 70% of the respondents said corruption is widespread in the state bodies and affects their businesses, while the integrity of functionaries leaves to be desired.
Wine industry in 2017 recorded highest production volume
The winemaking and winegrowing sector of Moldova witnesses an upward trend. In 2017, it recorded the largest production volume in the last four years, of 18 million dekaliters. Last year, Moldova’s wine exports came to over 14 million dekaliters, an increase of 5.5% on 2016. Almost 10 million dekaliters were exported non-bottled. Belarus remains the most important export destination for non-bottled wine. This country last year imported 4.4 million dekaliters of wine from Moldova. 60% of the bottled wine from Moldova goes to Europe and Asia. Currently, 71% of the non-bottled wine represents only 42% of the value of Moldova’s wine exports. For comparison, 29% of the bottled wines represent 58% of the total wine exports. The grape harvest in 2017 was by up to 25% larger than in 2016.
● FRIDAY, March 2
Roads in over 1,000 villages to be repaired in 2018
More than 1,200 kilometers of road sections in over 1,000 villages all over the country will be repaired in the course of this year. The central public authorities plan to spend about 1.6 billion lei from own sources and from the donations made by foreign partners, such as the EBRD, EIB and World Bank, for repairing these, Prime Minister Pavel Filip stated in a meeting with mayors and district heads staged by the Government in the context of the Festival “Martsishor”.
Chisinau – Tel-Aviv direct flights as of May 6
Direct flights from the Chisinau International Airport to Israel’s Tel-Aviv will be operated by Air Moldova by an Airbus 320 aircraft as of May 6 this year. The new flight will be available two times a week, on Wednesday and Sunday. One-way tickets will cost €99, with all taxes included. Tickets can be bought online on the company’s website, at the own ticket offices and from authorized agencies. There will be provided Economy and Business classes. Recently, after a visit paid by Prime Minister Pavel Filip to Israel, the Government of Moldova announced that direct flights to Tel Aviv will be provided once a week, on Tuesday, from June 5 and two times a week, on Tuesday and Friday, from July 6. The second largest operator of Israel ARKIA Israeli Airlines applied to launch the Chisinau – Tel Aviv flight.
Guarantee commission proposed for “First House” program is of 0.5%
The Ministry of Finance proposed the draft order on the guarantee commission that will be applied within the “First House” program for public consultations. The guarantee commission will represent 0.5% of the state guarantee balance a year. This will be applied in 2018-2019. The financing banks will quarterly transfer the guarantee commission to the Organization for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises through which the program will be implemented.The date when the program will be launched and the lending banks will be announced soon. The state committed itself to guarantee 50% of the balance of the home loan.
Hotbed of African swine fever in Causeni
A hotbed of African swine fever was reported at a private farm in Ursoaia village of Causeni district. The taken samples will be sent to a lab in Spain for determining the viral genome. The eight pigs from the farm were slaughtered and burned. The shed and the area around this as well as the husbandry tools were disinfected. The National Food Safety Agency notified the competent national and EU authorities and the World Organization for Animal Health of the appearance of the hotbed of African swine fever on Moldova’s territory. The movement of domestic swine and pork products and offal in the area will be banned.
Moldovagaz: Russia’s refusal to supply natural gas to Ukraine will not affect Moldova
Moldovagaz will continue to supply natural gas to consumers in Moldova in the necessary volume, in accordance with the current contract with Gazprom. The company’s statement comes after Gazprom announced the rupture in the contractual relations with Naftogaz Ukrainy. Moldovagaz said the contracts for the supply and transportation of gas through Moldova’s territory signed with Gazprom are valid until the end of 2019. Moldovagaz wasn’t notified by Gazprom of an eventual halt in the supply of natural gas to Moldova or particular changes to the existing contract.
Over 2,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables withdrawn from sale
More than 2,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables were withdrawn from sale form 11 shops situated in Chisinau, Balti, Ialoveni and Straseni following checks carried out by inspectors of the National Food Safety Agency. The products were seized because they didn’t meet the requirements concerning the sale of fresh fruit and vegetables.Not all the fruit and vegetables put on sale were accompanied by quality and safety certificates. The inspectors drew up eight reports on the identified irregularities.
1-leu and 2-lei coins will be issued in April, while 5-lei and 10-lei coins later
The 1-leu and 2-lei coins will start to be issued at the beginning of April, while the 5-lei and 10-lei coins by the end of this year. Corneliu Melnic, head of the Cash Operations Division of the National Bank of Moldova, has told IPN that a campaign to inform the people will be carried out before the coins are put into circulation.According to the procedures, the money is put into circulation through licensed banks when these go to the National Bank of Moldova after cash. “As we still have 5-lei and 10-lei bills in store, the coins with a face value of 5 lei and 10 lei will be issued later,” explained Corneliu Melnic. On February 28, 2018, the National Bank of Moldova announced that it will put into circulation a new series of metal coins with a face value of 1, 2, 5 and 10 lei, which will be circulating in parallel with the existing banknotes of the same face value until the stores are used up.