Early pension valorization

The following two phases in the valorization of pensions will happen early. Starting with 1 April 2018, pensions set in 2012-2013 will be valorized, and starting with 1 October 2018 – those set in 2014 – 31 March 2017. These processes were initially set for 1 April 2019 and 1 April 2020, respectively.

According to Premier Pavel Filip, all pensions will be valorized in 2018. 130 thousand beneficiaries will receive retirement pension increases averaging at 300 lei, and 21.000 will have their disability pensions increased by 280 lei.

The valorization of pensions is part of the pension system reform, and implies the recalculation of pensions according to decrease in the value of currency within the period in which insured income has been obtained, relative to the moment when the pension plan has been set. On 1 November 2017, 67.000 beneficiaries have received early recalculations their pension payments, for plan set in 2009-2011. At the time, retirement pensions have grown by 232-252 lei, and disability pensions – by 380-408 lei.

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