Dwellers of Chisinau apartment building alert authorities

The building site located at 5A Cosmescu St causes troubles to the people living in the opposite block. The dwellers called the police and journalists to inform them about the violations committed there. The work program is not respected there and the works continue after 10pm, IPN reports.

Moreover, the left wing of the block is in a poor state owing to the weather and the dwellers fear the walls will deteriorate faster given the intensity of the works on the building site. “When the works began last summer, cracks appeared in the walls and they continue to multiply,” said Maria Vizir, who lives in the building situated opposite.

“There are about 40 dwellers in the block. The apartments of none of them were insured,” said another dweller.

Spokesman for the Chisinau Police Division Adrian Jovmir said there were drawn up two reports. The construction company was fined 6,000 lei for disturbing the silence at night.

These are not the first violations committed by this construction firm. At the start of April, it was fined 20,000 lei by inspectors of the Green Areas Association and the Ecological Inspectorate for illegally cutting a number of trees in the area.

Contacted by IPN’s reporter, the company’s director refused to answer the questions.

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