Dorin Chirtoaca urges buying modern leaf collection equipment

Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca strongly advised the head of the green areas managing association “Spatii Verzi” Eliferii Haruta to purchase special machines for collecting leaves, which work like a vacuum cleaner. Now the workers rake the leaves into piles and carry them to trucks with the help of blankets, IPN reports.

The mayor said that a leaf collection machine costs about €10,000 and this is not so much for a company like “Spatii Verzi”. Second-hand equipment costs cheaper.

Eliferii Haruta stated that they plan to purchase modern equipment for collecting leaves, but are yet unable to.

Dorin Chirtoaca announced that until next winter, the municipality will buy several second-hand snowplows from Germany. They use 5 kg of salt per 50 km, plus sodium chloride. In this connection, he asked determining if the snowplows owned by the municipality can be equipped with reservoirs for sodium chloride. Until now the local authorities used only salt and sand when cleaning snow from streets.

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