Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca doesn’t want the City Day to be organized like in the old days, for some Party First Secretary. The Mayor says he is ashamed by the way this holiday is organized every year, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Dorin Chirtoaca asked that the holidays be organized for the ordinary citizen, and not for the Mayor or for any officials attending. “Everything must be for the ordinary citizen, because children freeze in folk costumes and nobody can eat because the Mayor hasn’t come yet for the traditional bread and salt. It’s outdated and it doesn’t have any ties with the times that we live in”, stated the Mayor.
“We’ll go to the statue of Stefan cel Mare in the morning, not with everyone holding one flower, but with a single basket from the City Hall. It’s more reasonable. Then we’ll go to the church service, at the official opening of the Great National Assembly Square, and then we’re dismissed – it’s time for everyone to have fun and rest”, said Chirtoaca speaking about the holiday’s agenda.
Dorin Chirtoaca also said that the exhibitions must be organized only if they are requested by the people. “These children’s embroideries are beautiful, but not in high-demand on the City Day. The City’s Patron Saint’s Day is a holiday for rest and relaxation. I don’t want forceful leisure activities like in the days of the First Secretary”, said the mayor.
Chisinau’s Patron Saint’s Day is celebrated every year on October 14.