Donation of vehicles for Customs Service

The Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova received a donation of 18 cars from the Federal Republic of Germany, which are designed to improve the mobility and efficiency of customs officials. The total value of the donation is €325,000 and the vehicles will be used for operational and customs investigation activities, IPN reports.

The cars were donated through the German Federal Foreign Office, the Embassy of Germany in Chisinau and the German Federal Ministry of the Interior. The handover ceremony took place at the head office of the Customs Service, in the presence of director Alexandru Iacub and liaison officer of the Federal Police of Germany Caroline Schröder.

Customs Service director Alexandru Iacub stressed the importance of this donation for strengthening the operational capacities of the institution. He noted that the new cars will contribute to more efficient customs control and to the fight against smuggling.

For her part, Caroline Schröder reiterated Germany's support for the modernization of Moldovan institutions, noting that efficient customs management is essential for border security and economic development.

The donation is part of a broader partnership between Germany and the Republic of Moldova, focused on strengthening security institutions and combating cross-border crime.

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