Donald Tusk: Moldova is most promising partner in European integration process

“The Republic of Moldova is the most promising partner in the European integration process, while the European aspirations of the Moldovans are justified. We are ready to support you,” the President of the European Council Donald Tusk said after the meeting with Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici, IPN reports.

The European official reiterated the readiness of the institutions of the European Union, the European Council, to support Moldova’s European integration efforts. Referring to his tenure as Premier, Donald Tusk said Poland covered the same path of integration, with typical problems and challenges, and today over 90% of the Polish people are happy that they form part of the big European family.

Chiril Gaburici said that Moldova will be able to make progress on the path of European integration only if it achieves concrete results, such as modernization, ensuring of the respect for the fundamental principles of the state with the rule of law and a free market economy. “I’m glad that we enjoy the support of the European institutions and the personal support of Mister Tusk and I thank them for this,” he stated.

The Premier also said that the discussions within the governmental commission for European integration in extended format centered on the steps taken by the Moldovan authorities after the first meeting of the Moldova - EU Association Councils held in Brussels on April 16 and the progress made in doing the justice sector reform, fighting corruption and ensuring stability on the financial market. There were also discussed the implementation of the European regional development policies, resolution of the Transnistrian conflict and the political stability in the country.

Donald Tusk was appointed as President of the European Council in December 2014.

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