Doctors prescribe too many drugs, Minister of Healthcare

Half of the world's doctors prescribe too many drugs. The problem is also valid for Moldova. Minister of Healthcare Andrei Usatii claims that excessive irational use of medications can be harmful to one's health, with potential side-effects such as premature births or fetus malformations, reports Info-Prim Neo. Andrei Usatii stated, during a press conference on Friday, October 12, that the simultaneous use of three medications is already a hazard. In this context, the Ministry of Healthcare launched a seminar for medical employees, where they'll be told to argument each of the prescribed drugs. Such seminars will be conducted in all of the country's districts. The Minister of Healthcare considers that the list of drugs that can be bought without a prescription is too long, and some of the drugs need to be excluded. The Minister specifically referred to antibiotics and paracetamol. “People take antibiotics trying to treat laryngitis or laryngitis, whereas the two are mostly caused by viruses, not bacteria. Antibiotics, on the other hand, fight with bacteria. Thus, people spend their money in vain. Plus, the organism becomes immune to antibiotics”, stated Andrei Usatii. Additionally, the Minister says that people administer paracetamol incorrectly. “One has a headache and goes to buy paracetamol. Maybe one has cancer, and by consulting a doctor to find the cause of the headaches the disease can be discovered in its incipient phase, instead of taking the drug and consulting a doctor when nothing can be done”, said Andrei Usatii. The Minister communicated that each hospital will hire pharmacologists, who will make sure that patient are not being prescribed too many drugs.
  • andrei usatii despre prescriptiile medicale.mp3
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