Doctor Chisinau succumbs to COVID-19

The head of the Family Medicine Section of the Center Territorial Medical Association of Chisinau Veronica Grosu died after developing complications as a result of infection with COVID-19. The information was confirmed for IPN by the communications consultant of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection Cristina Stratulat.

Veronica Grosu, 61, had a serious form of COVID-19. She was hospitalized on September 24.

The personnel of the Center Territorial Medical Association offered their condolences to the grieving family, relatives and friends of Veronica Grosu. “For us all, the pain and loss are big. A great person who devoted her life and soul to patients and those dear to her departed this life. God rest her soul,” says the staff’s posting.

The number of deaths from COVID-19 in Moldova exceeds 1,400.

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