Prime Minister Vlad Filat Tuesday met with flood-hit victims from the villages Cotul Morii, Nemteni and Obileni, who moved to new homes. They were both contented and discontented. They complained about the lack of water and sewerage systems, electric power and schools and kindergartens, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The winter is coming and we will be unable to carry water from wells located several kilometers away. We do not have electricity, but nobody pays attention to our problems,” said a resident of Obileni. The 84-year-old woman said the new house she received is flooded every time it rains and there is mould in every room. The inhabitants of Obileni who were given homes built with the money donated by Georgia are the most dissatisfied. They said the plaster is falling and the walls are cracking. Other families said they are satisfied with the conditions in which they live. The only problem is that they were not distributed land. “It is much better here. The houses are new and the conditions are good. The state helps us, but we also must work to finish the construction as we will live in these houses,” said a woman from Nemteni. Vlad Filat promised that the residents of Obileni will have electric power from this week. Until the water supply problem is solved, there will be conveyed by 10 tonnes of water for every new village daily. The Premier announced that a bus will take the students from the three villages to the schools in Leuseni and Nemteni from September 1. The last summer’s floods left hundreds of families without shelter. For some of the families, the Government built houses, while other families accepted to be bought old houses. In Cotul Morii, there were erected 516 houses, in Nemteni - 76 houses, while in Obileni – 27 houses. There are being built another 37 houses with five rooms in Cotul Morii and 39 houses in Nemteni.