Director of „Moldova-Vin” delays the announcement of the results of the visit to Moscow
The general director of the Agro-Industrial Agency Moldova-Vin, Valeriu Mironescu will make public the results of the visit to Moscow only on Tuesday 11th of April. The visit had the purpose to make clear the real causes that leaded to banning Moldavian wine import.
Mironescu refused to inform by telephone Info-Prim Neo what are the results of the visit to Russia and the measures that will be taken by Moldavian authorities to solve the wine crisis. But he promised that he will present to the journalists all the materials acquired from the federal Service – “Rospotrebnadzor”, at the press-conference on Tuesday. These materials were presented as evidence to the affirmations of the chief veterinary doctor of Russia, Ghenadie Oniscenco, about the bad quality of Moldavian wines and the harm of it for the Russian consumers.
At the press-conference the public will find out if Valeriu Mironescu participated at the open meeting of the members of The Union of Participants on the Alcoholic Drinks Market of Russia, that had as an objective the elaboration of operative measures for rerunning Moldavian and Georgian wine imports. The information that both Moldavian and Georgia wine distributors had to participate at the meeting was offered by the Russian newspaper “Kommersant”, which also stated that the participants will sign a letter addressed to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin by which they will solicit his help in solving the problem.
According to the newspaper, the participants of the meeting had to elaborate a decision regarding taking Ghenadie Oniscenco to court, for banning wine imports from Moldova and Georgia. In the list of the companies that announced their intention to sue Ghenadie Oniscenco are named "Винный мир", "Росагроимпорт", "Стандарт ВК" and others.