Deputy mayors could work in all amalgamated localities

In all amalgamated administrative-territorial units, posts of deputy mayors will be instituted even if these newly amalgamated localities will have fewer than 5,000 inhabitants. A draft law providing for this was approved by the Cabinet on Thursday, IPN reports.

Under the draft decision, the deputy mayors will benefit from a basic salary determined according to the legislation, reduced by four successive classes compared to the salary class indicated for the mayor of the respective administrative-territorial unit.

The legislative initiative belongs to MP Radu Marian, chairman of the Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance. According to him, the legislative amendments are designed to secure the continuity of public services, ensuring communication with citizens and the administrative integration of the amalgamated administrative-territorial units.

Under the law, the minimum number of inhabitants of an amalgamated administrative-territorial unit must be 3 000 inhabitants, with an allowed deviation of 10%. The legislation also provides that only amalgamated administrative-territorial units with a population of more than 5,000 inhabitants can institute posts of deputy mayor.

Respectively, the legislative initiative suggests that the mayors of the former absorbed administrative units, which did not become administrative centers, should be appointed deputy mayors of the newly amalgamated units. This will facilitate the transition and prevent administrative disruptions.

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