Democrats were offered large sums for not voting for censure motion, Marian Lupu

Head of Parliament Marian Lupu, who heads the Democratic Party (PDM), said that since the censure motion was proposed and until it was passed, a number of Democratic MPs were offered large sums of money for not supporting the motion in Parliament. In the program “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, the Speaker said that attempts were made to corrupt a large part of the PDM lawmakers, Info-Prim Neo reports. “A number of MPs of the Democratic faction were offered large sums of money, luxury cars, apartments in Chisinau or abroad for not voting for the motion. Extraordinary pressure was exerted,” said Marian Lupu, adding that the Democrats were unanimous and supported the motion in corpore. The Speaker also said that the Lib-Dems assert they want to hold talks, but vote together with the PCRM at district level to adopt decisions for their benefit. It happened so in Floresti district, where the district head was removed from post by a joint PCRM-PLDM vote. Also, teams of the PLDM distribute loose leaves with pictures of representatives of the PDM and PL practically in all the country’s districts. On the opposite side of the leaf, it is written that these two parties do not support the European integration and do nothing good. “These loose leaves are an instrument used in our country in election campaigns. This makes me think that the hidden strategy of the former PLDM colleagues was to lead the country to elections,” said Marian Lupu. The Filat Government was ousted on March 5 by the votes of the Communist and Democratic MPs, unaffiliated MPs Mihai Godea and Sergiu Sirbu, and four lawmakers of the group of Socialists.

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