Democrats go to CC, demand to annul all acts adopted in Parliament

Democratic MPs Sergiu Sîrbu and Vladimir Cebotari on June 8 filed a challenge to the Constitutional Court by which they demand to annul all the acts that were adopted in Parliament today, IPN reports.

“On June 8, 2019, after the constitutional period of three months (90 days) during which Parliament of the tenth legislature could form the administrative bodies of Parliament and the Government, expired, violating all the constitutional procedures and regulations, without any notice, 61 MPs came together for a siting and adopted a series of legislative acts,” runs the challenge.

According to the MPs, by such acts the Constitution’s provisions and all the legal procedures defined in the Parliament’s Regulations are disobeyed.
Sergiu Sîrbu and Vladimir Cebotari asked to check the constitutionality of all the legal acts adopted in Parliament, including the decision on the election of the Speaker, and to nullify these as a matter of urgency.

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