Day of Remembrance for Fascism Victims held in Chisinau

Officials, diplomats, veterans and ordinary people laid flowers on Wednesday, June 22, at the Eternity Memorial Complex, to mark the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism, Info-Prim Neo reports. “It’s about thousands of lost lives. It’s a day when we must remember the past and understand that his must not happen again, when we realize the importance of values like tolerance, mutual respect between the members of society, regardless of age, gender or nationality. This day obliges us to remember that war. You think about the tens of millions that have fallen, about the hatred behind these sad events and you wish this never happens again”, said Marian Lupu, interim President of Moldova. The ambassadors of Russia, Germany and Belarus, as well as other diplomats and politicians attended the event. “The most important thing to remember is the heroism of our grandparents who defeated fascism and offered mankind more perspectives. We mustn’t forget the lessons of that war, we must honor the memory of the fallen ones and be worthy of their heritage, we must build a society based on peaceful cooperation between peoples”, said Valeri Kuzmin, Russian Ambassador in Chisinau. “It’s hard to remember this day, as I was only 17 when I went to war. I lost my parents, brothers, sisters and comrades. No conflicts deserves so many victims”, mentioned Piotr Sidorenco, war veteran. The PCRM representatives laid flowers as well, but before the official ceremony. “The doors were open, this wasn’t a hidden event. Everyone could come”, said Marian Lupu. The interim President added that he was curious to find out why the PCRM didn’t join the others during the ceremony. 70 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was adopted in 2002 by presidential decree.
  • marian lupu despre ziua comemorarii victimelor fascismului.mp3
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  • valerii kuzmin despre ziua comemorarii victimelor fascismului.mp3
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