Court of Appeals’ decision can add to the intrigue

“It is hard to say if the final result will change after the votes cast for the Chisinau Municipal Council are recounted,” director of the European Institute for Political Studies of Moldova Viorel Cibotaru stated for Info-Prim Neo. According to the analyst, the decision to recount the votes is absolutely normal when there are arguments, even if few people believe that the election outcome will modify. Viorel Cibotaru said that the Chisinau Court of Appeals’ decision can somehow add to the intrigue. If the PCRM does not have a majority of seats on the Municipal Council and this majority will be held by the parties of the Alliance for European Integration, the Council’s structure for the next four years will change. The decision to recount the votes given to the Municipal Council was passed by the Court of Appeals on June 17, following a challenge filed by the Liberal Party.

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