Court costs of Vlad Filat will be covered by state

The court costs incurred in the case of ex-Premier Vlad Filat will be covered by the state. The Chisinau Appeals Court overturned the decision of the Buiucani Court, which said that the costs will be covered by Vlad Filat and the money will be transfer to the National Anticorruption Center, IPN reports.

The former Prime Minister’s defense on November 16 published the dispositive part of the judgment passed by the Appeals Court. The document says the costs total 15,561 lei.

The case against Vlad Filat was started in 2015. On October 15 last year, he was arrested after Parliament annulled his immunity of MP. On June 27 this year, Vlad Filat was convicted of influence peddling and passive corruption and sentenced to nine years in jail. The Appeals Court upheld this decision.

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