Corneliu Durnescu is no longer director of TV Moldova 1

Corneliu Durnescu is no longer director of the national TV station Moldova 1, the head of Teleradio Moldova, Vlad Turcanu, has announced, IPN reports.

"We have decided by mutual agreement to discontinue the contractual relations with my TV deputy for the past 3 years," the TRM chief wrote on social networks.

Vlad Turcanu mentioned Corneliu Durnescu's contribution to changing the image of public television, building editorial groups and producing quality programs.

Corneliu Durnescu will continue his work in personal projects, Vlad Turcanu added.

In his turn, Corneliu Durnescu thanked his colleagues for their involvement, patience and understanding in a message published on social networks. "They have been three very intense, busy and interesting years. I dedicated myself to the maximum possible," the former Moldova 1 chief added.

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