Constitutional Court has validated elections

The Constitutional Court (CC) Friday validated the outcome of the November 28 early legislative elections and the seats of MP, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Court’s magistrates said the decision is final. The decision and the list of the 101 MPs will be published in the Official Gazette on Monday, December 27. CC president Dumitru Pulbere told the press that the derogations from then Election Code and the violations identified as a result of the vote recount did not affect the results of the elections. The related documents will be submitted to Parliament on December 25. Afterward, the head of state will issue a decree to convene the first sitting of the legalities body on December 28. The CC said that the application to postpone validating the seat of MP for Petru Stirbate as he voted two times was rejected because there were presented no written proofs from courts. Dumitru Pulbere stated that the case of the Liberal-Democrat MP will be examined in continuation, in accordance with the Penal Code, without suspending his work in Parliament.

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