The Moldovan Conservative Party is complaining the current government isn't any better that the previous one, as it perpetuates incertitude and political instability in Moldova. The members of the party suggest the government should reduce the number of MPs and name the exact dates of the referendum and early parliamentary elections.
Conservative leader Natalia Nirca stated at a news conference on Monday the current government is just displaying a pretended, formal and populist anti-communist policy, which hasn't materialized in any form. “The big grafters, the big embezzlers, the big monopolists, those who undermined the national economy, remain at large. We also haven't seen the condemnation of communism, for which purpose a huge research was done on thousands of pages, but to no avail”.
Nirca laments the lack of basic political culture in politicians, the capacity to negotiate and come to an understanding, which are crucial today. “They must stop the process of modifying the Constitution, which has reached an offensive dimension, and of adjusting the legislation to their political interests”.
The Conservatives also insist on the annulment of the amendments to the Election Code, in particular those relating to the constitutional referendum. “We suggest an idea that will be totally supported by the people, to reduce the number of legislators to 51 deputies”, stated Natalia Nirca, adding that at a population of 3.5 million, Moldova has too many “devourers of taxpayers' money”.
“The Communists don't even attend the meetings (in Parliament). They continue to receive salaries but do nothing. Then why shouldn't we save some money, bearing in mind all the more that we are going through an economic crisis”, said the party's vice president Zinovia Zorina.
Natalia Nirca added that instead of concerning themselves with the revival of the economy, reduction of poverty, the social issues, the governing parties “invented a new strategy”, the referendum and the parliamentary polls, for which they haven't announced exact dates.