Communists challenge teacher retirement amendments in Constitutional Court
MP Sergiu Sirbu lodged on behalf of the Communist Party a complaint with the Constitutional Court requesting it to check for constitutionality a set of amendments to the Labor Code which instruct educational institutions to terminate the employment of teachers for whom the retirement age pension has been established, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The Communist Party stated in a press release that it condemned these amendments as and act of “social genocide”, finding that they limit the fundamental rights of the elderly. “By introducing these amendments, the parliamentary majority violated an entire range of constitutional and international norms related to fundamental human rights and freedoms, the right to work, to a decent living, the right to property, and others”, reads the release.
The Communists criticized as “cynical and absolutely disrespectful” the government's argument that the amendments would help to employ young specialists in the retirement-age teachers' stead.
Besides the complaint to the Constitutional Court, the Communists are demanding that the annulled programs for young specialists be resumed and social guarantees be extended for them. “The government annulled all the programs for the young graduates of educational institutions, in particular the housing program for young specialists launched in 2008, by which the government guaranteed the purchase of dwelling for the young families whose members accepted public sector jobs in rural areas”.