Communist MP: We’ll continue to fight AIE’s wrongdoings

The Communist Party (PCRM) will continue to fight against the Alliance for European Integration (AIE) during the autumn session of the Parliament. “PCRM will contest the anti-humane and unconstitutional laws adopted by the Alliance”, MP Sergiu Sirbu told Info-Prim Neo. “We have many priorities for the parliamentary session, we’ll continue to fight AIE’s wrongdoings, against these anti-humane and unconstitutional laws and we’ll fight to restore the legal path, but only early elections could help us”, said Sergiu Sirbu. The MP said that PCRM would propose its own draft laws in the new parliamentary session, but didn’t disclose what these draft laws would be. Previously, Communist MPs stated they would spare no effort to annul the Law on ensuring equality. Moreover, the Communists will challenge at the Constitutional Court the Law which condemned the Communist totalitarian regime and banned its symbols: the hammer and the sickle.

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