Commission for electing prosecutor general chooses eligible candidates

The commission for the election of the prosecutor general on March 18 will decide which of the candidates are eligible and will announce the next stages of the context, IPN reports.

The commission’s chairman Corneliu Gurin said that eight persons filed applications to compete for the post of prosecutor general. They are: jurist Valeriu Plesca; lawyer Vitalie Pirlog; lawyer Emanoil Plosnita; prosecutor Gheorghe Nogai; jurist Mihail Petrache; former employee of the Ministry of the Interior Boris Muravschi; ex-prosecutor Tudor Suveica, and lawyer Ilie Rotaru.

The next stage of the contest consists of an interview where the applicants will present their managerial program and will answer the questions of the commission. The best candidate is to be selected by the end of March. Afterward, Parliament is to confirm this candidate in the post.

Valeriu Zubco vacated the post of prosecutor general following a fatal hunting incident that happened in the Domneasca Forest on December 23.

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