Clocks to be moved one hour forward this night

On the night to Sunday, March 30, Moldova switches to daylight saving time. At 03:00 a.m., the clocks will be moved forward one hour so that it will be 04:00 a.m. Thus, Sunday will have only 23 hours and will be the shortest this year, IPN reports.

The mechanism by which the time is changed, in spring and autumn, is used in 110 countries. Moldova resorted to this practice in 1979 in order to make optimal use of natural light and reduce artificial lighting.

Among the European states, Iceland is the only country that does not change the clock.

Although the member countries of the European Union a few years ago discussed the possibility of giving up seasonal clock changes, no final decision has been taken so far.

Doctors warn that the clock change can affect the biological rhythm of the human body, causing fatigue and difficulty concentrating. To facilitate adaptation, it is recommended to gradually adjust the sleep schedule a few days before the change, going to bed and waking up 15-20 minutes earlier than usual.

The next time clocks will be changed on the last Sunday in October to return to winter time.

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