Citizens urged to support People’s List “ProReunione – ProEurope”

The initiative group for creating the People’s List “ProReunion – ProEurope”, which pleads for Moldova’s union with Romania, called again on the citizens to support this idea. The People’s List “ProReunion – ProEurope” is a chance to bring honest people, who didn’t discredit themselves and who will ensure the union with Romania, to Parliament, members of the group stated in a news conference at IPN.

First pro-rector of the Academy of Public Administration Andrei Groza said the Republic of Moldova does not have another chance to overcome poverty than by the reunion with Romania. The political parties avoid to openly promote this idea as this is not in the economic interest of the party leader. “An authentic pro-union group should exist in Moldova’s Parliament as the union can be effected only by peaceful ways, by the vote in Parliament,” stated the professor.

Andrei Groza noted that those who promote the idea of the People’s List “ProReunion – ProEurope” do not represent an oligarchic party, those who are in power or those who want to come to power. “We have the right to plead for a decent life, for our future, for the future of our children so as to keep everyone here, at home. Most of those who leave the country look for a better life,” said the professor, adding that if the Republic of Moldova unites with Romania, the people could remain at home to work on a much higher salary than the one they get now in Russia for example. According to Andrei Groza, the New Historical Option Party undertook to promote the People’s List “ProReunion – ProEurope”. During the next two weeks, the party will convoke its congress that will elect the new administrative bodies.

Businessman Ion Rață, who joined recently the People’s List “ProReunion – ProEurope”, said that during its almost 30 years of independence, the Republic of Moldova showed that it does not have internal power to ensure the people’s well-being. “If we have had the potential to change something, things would have been changed long ago. Moldova has followed this sloping path for a long time. A moment will be reached when we will be unable to return and this will be probably the most difficult and terrible moment,” he stated, calling on the people to join the People’s List.

Writer Ionel Căpiță said he decided to join this group because it consists of honest people who didn’t steal. The People’s List “ProReunion – ProEurope” is a concept that is different from what the political parties propose as all those who join in are equal and there is no hierarchy of leaders here. The current political class discredited itself by lying and making empty promises to the people. The poverty that exists in Moldova was first of all caused by politicians who robbed the citizens when they came to power.

Head of the civil society “Dacia” based in Ciocana district of Chisinau Vasile Nastas expressed his conviction that Moldova does not have a future as a state. “Look how many people left the country. What will happen in 10-15 years? If we unite with Romania, we will automatically become part of the European Union and NATO. We will have correct and nonselective justice. We will have high-quality roads,” he stated, noting the call to support the People’s List is addressed not only to unionists, but also to other citizens of the Republic of Moldova who want to live better.

According to the initiative group, a number of Moldovan personalities have joined the People’s List so far. Among them are general Ion Costaș, historian Anatol Petrencu, lawyer Alexandru Kisnenko, and historian Ilie Șendrea. The order on the list will be decided by open ballot.

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