Chisinau streets to be closed for traffic on May 9

A number of streets in Chisinau will be closed for traffic on May 9 in connection with the events that will be staged to mark Europe Day and Victory Day. About 3,000 police officers will be mobilized to ensure public order at the related events all over the country, chief of the National Patrolling Inspectorate Livii Baziuc said in a news conference, IPN reports.

The section between Mihai Viteazul and Ismail streets will be closed for traffic between 9am and 12 noon. Starting with 9am, road traffic will be closed on the streets Miorita, Grenoble, Asachi, Pan Halippa, Ismail, Alecsandri, and Pushkin.

Starting with 10am, there will be closed the section of Stefan cel Mare Blvd between the streets Ismail and Mihai Viteazul. The trolleybus will be redirected to Bucuresti St, while those from the districts of Rascani and Ciocana will be redirected to Albisoara St.

Head of the General Police Inspectorate Alexandru Panzari said the police were informed about possible provocations and measures are being taken to prepare for such. The event organizers are responsible for the behavior of participants.

902 or 112 should be called in uncertain situations or emergencies.

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