Chisinau Mayor set to bring order to construction industry

Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca decided to bring order to the construction sector in Chisinau, as well as to many other problems of the municipality. In compliance with his recent ordinances addressed to the Reforms and Economy municipal Division, the issue of the ongoing constructions in the municipality of Chisinau is to be included in the agenda of the next meeting and will be discussed in detail. Decision-makers of the field shall present information about the construction authorisations issued to economic agents, about whether they are posted at the building sites and even about the intentions of the economic agents to open new building sites in the municipality. At the same, Chirtoaca wants to inform the residents of Chisinau about the situation of the municipal property: number of transport means, acreage of land plots, number of apartment blocks and houses etc. Also, the contracts concluded by the City Hall with different economic entities for different services will be verified and analysed. The situation related to the public illumination will be also included in the agenda of the session scheduled for the next Monday. The company “Lumtech” will present an evaluation of the current state of affairs and will propose projects to fully provide the municipality with public lights. “Apa-Canal Chisinau” Company will have to prove that they react promptly to the information provided by the citizens on the damages of pipes and will proposes solutions for overcoming the present problems related to supply of qualitative water to the citizens. Under mayoral ordinance, the district offices shall present detailed answers to the petitions of the citizens, so that they would not search for answers at other municipal institutions.

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