Chisinau kindergarten head faces jail for taking bribe

Anticorruption officers caught the female head of the Chisinau-based kindergarten No. 130 in the act of taking €150 from a parent for registering his child at the preschool institution, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime. The kindergarten head was arrested when she was taking the money marked ‘bribe’ from the parent. A sum of 6,300 lei was found in the head’s office upon a search and seized. The origin of this money is yet to be established. Currently, the woman is held at the remand unit of the Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime. She will remain under arrest for 72 hours. Legal action was taken against her over passive corruption. She faces up to ten years behind bars and a fine of up to 60,000 lei.

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