„Municipal administration for living spaces does not undertake any actions for fitting up the territory around the apartment block for already a year,” reported the citizens of a district near Puskin street, Maria Iorga and Galina Costenco.
The inhabitants say that during the year were not undertaken any actions to clean and the space around the blocks, „everything is done only at inhabitants’ initiative, who gather and do what they can”, mentioned Galina Costenco.
„As we are on the eve of Easter, some citizens cleaned the territory around the house, planted trees, flowers, while others massed together the rests of the trees cut by the employees of the Municipal Enterprise „Green Spaces”, added Maria Iorga.
These statements could be noticed as well in the neighboring courtyards, as well as near the Pedagogic College „A. Mateevici”, shown in a photo.
The head of municipal living spaces, Mihail Solcan, declared at the beginning of the week at mayoralty’s operative meeting “on 23 April Chisinau will be clean”.
The head of the Municipal Preventive Medicine Center, Constantin Grecu, had another opinion and mentioned that even on territories administrated by municipal enterprises was noted unauthorized garbage and other misdemeanors.