Chief architect of Chisinau may be dismissal

The chief architect of Chisinau municipality Vlad Modarca is likely to be dismissed as he reached retirement age. The information was confirmed by deputy mayor of Chisinau Nistor Grozavu. He said that a related decision is to be taken by Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca, Info-Prim Neo reports. The deputy mayor stated that the possible dismissal is to be coordinated with the Chisinau Municipal Council because the chief architect was named by contest, by the vote of the councilors. Nistor Grozavu described the work done by the chief architect as productive. “Vlad Modara knows the city in detail. I believe there are not many architects who know the urbanistic and engineering sides in all the networks so well. There are negative aspects in everyone’s work, but in general he did a good job,” said the deputy mayor. Asked to comment on the rumors that he may be dismissed, Vlad Modarca said he has heard such reports during 24 years. Moreover, he had been fired twice and then reinstated. “I’ve always been an apolitical person and joined no party. I don’t know the reasons. I only heard the rumors,” he stated. He also said that if an order to dismiss him is made, he will comply with it. “I’m a serious man and don’t intend to argue with the mayor. I reached retirement age last week. In Europe, the retirement age is 65. The mayor will act as he considers right – according to the Moldovan legislation or in European style,” said the architect. Vlad Modarca has headed the General Architecture, Urbanism and Land Relations Division of the Chisinau City Hall for 24 years.

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