[ - What are the main causes of the exhaustion of the powers of the Parliament of 2009?]
- The astrogram of the former Parliament shows that a number of cosmic phenomena negatively affected the legislative power, including:
• The parade of the three eclipses of the summer of 2009;
• The harsh opposition between the life signs of the Parliament of 2009 (Earth Bull) and of Moldova (Metal Ewe Lamb) that led to the exhaustion of their powers;
• The incomplete use of the cosmic energies: The 10th astrological house “State Administration” does not have planets. This is a sign that there will be hindrances, conflicts and other unfavorable situations (some of them occurred - the head of state was not elected, the Government’s merits were not adequately appreciated, etc). The energies of the axis of the fourth-tenth houses indicated in the country’s astrogram have been used incorrectly, while the political elite did not pass the cosmic test as they did not understand that power means nothing if there is no solid political support and that real balance should be established between the power (tenth house) and the Opposition (fourth house).
[ - Wasn’t there another solution than early elections?]
- There wasn’t another solution. The power center of the Parliament of Moldova was the government coalition that was formed by the four non-Communist parliamentary parties – the PLDM, PL, PD and AMN – on August 8, 2009. The failures of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) resulted from cosmic influences, first of all of the solar eclipse of August 6, 2009. There are also other reasons:
• The seventh house starts and ends in the Aries, where there is the cusp of the eighth house on which it is situated the Luck, which is in harmonious relations with the planet Mars of the ninth house. Such a situation favored the relations with international organizations and the considerable financial support provided to Moldova during the AEI’s rule;
• The solar sign Lion, in combination with the Ascendant in Libra, shows that the AEI loves society, can be very convincing and gives the impression of equilibrium. But the Ascendant is closed in one sign (the first house starts and ends in Libra). Such an astral situation shows the functions of this Alliance will not develop.
[ - How will the future government of Moldova look?]
- The predictions for the present stage say the early parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010 will have a great impact on the legislative power (Parliament) and the executive power (the head of state and the Government). The answer to your question is seen in the astrogram drawn up for November 28, 2010, 8pm. Let’s look at it:
• The Parliament of 2010, with the life sign Metal Tiger and the zodiacal sign Sagittarius, will be active and ambitious;
• Regardless of the pursued goals, it will work without interruption until it obtains what it wants;
• Charismatic, bold and optimistic politicians ready to work with energy and enthusiasm will form the future government;
• This year, they will actively engage in risky activities, but will be more precautious after February 2011. They will protect the country from events that may cause powerful emotional outbursts or challenge society.
[ - Are mass disturbances similar to those of April 2009 possible after elections?]
- We can be calm. The planetary shock of April 7, 2009 that destabilized the situation in Moldova will not repeat. The cosmic developments will no more favor dissonant situations on the Moldovan political arena. In the end, the political crisis will be overcome, not yet the economic one.
[ - What development direction will Moldova follow after elections: East, West, East and West, neither East nor West?]
- The new government will have common plans with the European Union (which have the same sign – the Metal Tiger) and successful relations with Russia (Metal Horse). It will have to be vigilant and avoid situations that can cause disagreements inside the country and in the relations with Romania and Ukraine, which have the life sign Ewe Lamb.
[ - The representatives of which political forces will hold key state posts after elections?]
- [The PLDM] – lucky entity with sign (Fire Boar) that is compatible with the traditional signs of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and the EU. Mister Filat will have enough space for maneuver in 2012-2013. His life sign (Rooster) is compatible with the signs of the following leaders: Putin (Dragon), Medvedev (Snake), Obama (Bull), Voronin (Snake), but is incompatible with the signs of Ghimpu (He-Cat), Lupu (Horse), Basescu (He-Cat), Yanukovich (Tiger). He should trust more his party colleagues Tanase and Leanca, who have life signs matching the country’s signs.
[The PCRM] – tough entity born in the year of the Wood Dog, which is incompatible with the life signs of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, but compatible with the signs of Russia and the European Union. Mister Voronin will forcefully return on the political arena next year if he abandons the idea of eliminating his rivals. His life sign (Snake) is compatible with the signs of Putin (Dragon), Medvedev (Snake), Obama (Bull). He does not get on with Ghimpu, Yanukovich, Basescu, and trusts his party colleagues Tkachuk (Horse), and Misin (Rooster).
[The PDM] – balanced entity whose life sign is the Fire Bull that is respected by the EU and compatible with Russia’s sign. Mister Lupu (Fire Horse) is compatible with practically all the political leaders: Obama, Putin, Medvedev, Gryzlov, Basescu, Yanukovich, Ghimpu, and his party colleagues.
[The PL] – active entity with the life sign Water Rooster. It will have good relations with Moldova, Romania and Ukraine if it takes greater care of their comfort. The ties with the EU are difficult, while with Russia – irritating. Mister Ghimpu (He-Cat) is compatible with the political leaders Lupu, Chirtoaca and the party colleagues. He should be careful in the relations with Filat, Voronin, Medvedev, and Yanukovich.
These political forces will have major influences on the Moldovan geopolitical arena.
[Info-Prim Neo note:] The head of the Culture and Cosmology Center “Polus Geticus” Tatiana Paladi has a 20-year-experiencve in politics and public administration. The researches of the metahistory of Moldova and the world carried out during 15 years allow her to decipher the planetary arrangements of the geopolitical events, the energy codes of the entities, the enigmas and paradigms of Moldova. She is the author of the cosmologic treaty about the development of Moldova, described in the book “Moldova’s Astrodestiny”, and of the works “Moldova in 2010”, “Cosmology for and about parents”, “Zodiacal congratulations” etc.
{The cosmic portal www.polusgeticus.com.md that is administered by Tatiana Paladi is the first in Moldova dedicated to cosmology, were visitors have access to useful information that allows them to determine the possibilities of the human as cosmic entity.}
[Valeriu Vasilica, Info-Prim Neo]